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Jaggery Manufacturing

Jaggery also popularly known as “Gur” is a traditional unrefined sugar consumed on a large scale in India. This industry has been considered as one of the small scale and cottage industry in India. Jaggery contains iron, calcium, phosphorous, glucose fructose, protein and fat. Sugarcane cultivation is done on around 4 million hectares of land in India and its production has fluctuated between 230-300 million tons in past several years. The 250 billion sugar industry has about 450 sugar mills in India with an average installed capacity of 18 million tons. India is the largest consumer of sugar and second largest producer in the world. Gur is produced all over the country, wherever sugarcane is produced. Similarly, it is consumed in all parts of country. Product is seasonal in nature i.e. it’s production takes place only during November to April in a year but its consumption takes place throughout the year.

Jaggery is a sweetener that's becoming popular as a "healthy" replacement for sugar. Jaggery is versatile. It can be grated or broken up, and then used as a replacement for refined sugar in any food or drink. In India, it's often mixed with foods like coconuts, peanuts and condensed milk to make traditional desserts and candies. These include jaggery cake and chakkara pongal, a dessert made from rice and milk. Jaggery is popularly known as the “medicinal sugar” and is nutritionally comparable with honey. It has been used as a sweetener in Ayurvedic Medicine for 3000 years.
Benefits of Jaggery:
▶ Detoxes liver
▶ Boosts immunity
▶ Blood Purifier
▶ Cleanses the body
▶ Cools the stomach
▶ Controls blood Pressure
▶ Relieves joint pain

▶ One reason jaggery is gaining popularity is the belief that it is more nutritious than refined white sugar. It is also claimed to have various health benefits.
▶ More than 70% of the total world jaggery production is done in India.
▶ As the major producer of Jaggery, the country has recognized as one of the leading traders and exporters of Jaggery to the world.
▶ India exported 3, 13,826.00 MT of jaggery and confectionery products to the world for the worth of Rs. 1,606.08 crores/ 230.03 USD Millions during the year 2018-19.
▶ The major export destinations (2018-19) are Sri Lanka, Nepal, Benin, USA and Indonesia.
▶ The Indian jaggery industry is self-sufficient in its vigour needs and also makes surplus exportable power.

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